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Welcome to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2034 official website.  Our almost 3000 members have been lighting up the province of Manitoba since 1958 and we represent the employees of Manitoba Hydro, The Town of Gillam, and The Town of Snow Lake.

Our major employer is Manitoba Hydro where our members generate, transmit and distribute the electricity in Manitoba.  We operate, maintain, and repair all of Manitoba Hydro’s facilities, from the large generating stations to the trucks you see driving down the road to the radios in those trucks.

IBEW Local 2034 is very proud that our members are involved in every major community in Manitoba and are among the best citizens in our province. Many of our members are Volunteer Fire Fighters, Cub Scout and Girl Guide Leaders, Hockey and Baseball Coaches and Civic Politicians.

Our members are pleased to provide 24 hour a day year round service to keep the lights on in Manitoba.  Our members’ work ethics contribute to the fact that Manitoba Hydro has the lowest electrical rates in North America and among the lowest rates in the world.

IBEW Local 2034 fully supports the objects of the IBEW that were first drafted on November 21, 1891 and outlined in our IBEW constitution as follows:

  • To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions;
  • To promote reasonable methods of work; To cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry;
  • To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible);
  • To assist each other in sickness or distress; To secure employment; To reduce the hours of daily labour;
  • To secure adequate pay for our work;
  • To seek a higher and higher standard of living;
  • To seek security for the individual; and,
  • By legal and proper means, to elevate the moral, intellectual, and social conditions of our members, their families, and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.
This website is designed to be a source of important and useful information about our union and our membership.  Please take this opportunity to review our site in more detail to learn more about who we are, who we represent and information about future and current events affecting our membership.  Please forward comments and suggestions that will assist in keeping this website informative.

History and Structure The Largest Electrical Union in the World  The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has been around as long as the commercial use of electricity itself.
Union FAQ IBEW F.A.Q. Q: How does the Union work? Q: Who runs the union? Q: What is the Union Advantage? Q: What are the two types of IBEW Membership? Q: Won’t it cost a company a lot money if the union comes in? Q: Can I be fired for participating in a Union campaign? Q: What can the union do about favoritism.
Code of Excellence The Code of Excellence is a program designed to bring out the best in our members and demonstrate to our customers that IBEW members: Exercise safe and productive work practices; Perform the highest quality and quantity of work; Utilize their skills and abilities to the maximum.

Page Last Updated: May 16, 2024 (07:09:00)
IBEW Local 2034
1907 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0H9 CANADA

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