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Positive News at Manitoba Hydro - Feb 13, 2024
Feb 13, 2024

February  13, 2024

Dear Member;

In light of the recent changes, we are optimistic about Manitoba Hydro’s future!  The announcement of Jay Grewal’s departure demonstrates a clear change in direction and a commitment to keeping hydro public.  Manitoba Hydro (has the second lowest electrical utility rates in all of North America) and is only 2nd to Quebec Hydro, which is a similarly configured and publicly owned utility.  This is living proof that Manitoba Hydro (among the greenest electricity producers in Canada) has been on a steady and proper course for many years and a big thanks to all those who have led and served the corporation to leave us in the enviable position we are in today.

Ben Graham’s (Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board Chair) appointment of Hal Turner (Vice-President of Asset Planning & Delivery) to act as interim president and CEO effective immediately is also a very positive move.  With over 28 years of experience serving Manitoba Hydro and extensive knowledge, the utility will be in good hands in the meantime until a permanent decision can be made regarding the position.

Other updates include:

  • 2022 GWI Arbitration – IBEW presented our case to Blair Graham (arbitrator) on Jan 30th. The hearing went very well, and our team did not encounter any arguments presented by the corporation that we were not prepared to defend or counter.  The closing arguments were also positive, where IBEW shared it was in a good position to negotiate and settle a deal under positive terms and had the clout to bring that to reality.  Arbitrators historically attempt to duplicate where the parties would have ultimately ended up on their own.  We wait in anticipation for the results that are expected by the end of February/early March, and we will share with the membership as soon as we become aware of the result.

  • Powerline Red Seal – On Jan 8, 2024 IBEW 2034 delivered a presentation to the Apprenticeship and Certification Board to consider Powerline Technician as a designated trade in Manitoba.  Last week we received confirmation, and I am pleased to share with you that the Board came to the decision to pursue our recommendation to designate Powerline Technician as a Red Seal trade in Manitoba with the ability to certify through the Trades Qualification pathway.  The branch has been directed to provide the Board’s recommendation to designate Powerline Technician as a Red Seal trade to the Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources.  The designation request requires a regulatory amendment before Powerline Technician can be recognized as a trade and a certification exam can be established. Apprenticeship Manitoba staff will IBEW 2034 informed of the Minister’s decision.  This is a lengthy process which may take several months to complete. We will share updates as they develop.

  • IBEW 2034 will be seeking other Red Seal opportunities for our membership that align with other electrical utilities across Canada in the future.

In Solidarity,

Business Manager
IBEW Local Union 2034


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